My skin is very soft and supple with minimal wrinkles by the eyes....I laugh a great deal! My skin does not divulge my age and I am in my mid-forties.
Thank you Dr. MacFarland for sharing your wisdom and products with the world.
Product Description
In This amazing French Polynesian blend, Radiance International utilizes Phytelene complexes EGX258 and EGX259 to penetrate, restore, clarify, and hydrolyze the skin from the deepest subcutaneous layer of the derma to the 5th layer of the cell matrix. Clinical studies prove EGX258, an herbal blend of Horsetail, Hedera Ivy, and Ladies Mantle restores connective tissue to it s normal composition, even aged skin, by promoting the body s own production of biosynthesized collagen and elastin by the fibroblast. As a result, proper collagen an elastin functions are enhanced and radiant smooth soft skin is balanced, as lines and wrinkles are diminished around the eyes face and neck. EGX259 is a free-radical scavenging herbal complex is a blend of Milk Thistle, Gingko Biobla, Witch Hazel, amino acids, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, soluble silicon and saponsids. The Herbal ingredients found in these two Phyletene compounds provide a natural source of antioxidants (Vitamin A, E, C, Zinc, Beta Carotene,Selenium and COQ10) responsible for clarifying free radicals, evening skin pigmentation through the retardation of melanin, increasing skin protein, DNA content, collagen formation improved skin elasticity, reduced fine lines, and decreased keratin formation. Abrasions, bruises and blemishes heal more rapidly.Radiance International has special tailored their creams by combining the above ingredients with 2% botanical fruit enzymes, derived from pineapple and papaya extracts. This 2% botanical fruit enzymes, a principle sources of Bromelin, actively renews cells and evens out skin tone, while gently removing dead skin, producing soft and renewed skin without the irritation or redness found with most alphahydroxyl acid products.The combination of papaya and pineapple enzymes and pineapple juice gives the cream its fresh scent! The collagen binding properties of Marigold are included to accelerate healing and reduce inflammation.SEE "SELLER HELP" FOR APPLICATION DETAILS.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Radiance C0-Q10 Skin Restorer Face Moisturizer Day Cream for Men & Women + Sensitive Skin
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