This last year I began wearing my hair natural and searched for natural products that actually DID something for hair growth and health. Most products in my opinion do not work for me. I began using this oil out of the blue using the little eye dropper to get it to my scalp and then massaging it in. I have to say it works VERY well without being "too oily or too heavy" and it smells GREAT (more like peppermint oil). When I combine it with a coco butter/Shea leave in conditioner, my boyfriend said it smelled a little like licorice and he liked it.
In any case, it keeps my hair soft and nice without buildup (my hair is naturally curly but can turn to cotton if its dry). I really like the ingredients (which are few and uncomplicated) and it includes garlic oil which is a natural antibiotic (I use garlic oil for EVERYthing including ear aches!). I like the fact it doesnt actually smell like garlic without losing the ingredient alltogether!
I think I was a full grown adult before I actually realized olive oil could be eaten on salads! (LOL) Growing up it was always used on hair....but I shied away from it later in life as "too dense" to use all the time. This has olive oil in it and it has the perfect viscosity without being heavy at all.
Not remembering WHERE I bought this oil as I came down to the very last drops, I searched EVERYwhere to find it, including the website on the very bottle and came up empty handed!! I almost gave up after googling and googling and finding only other products. I almost bought another product (all the way to the checkout basket) and googled one more time and found THIS website with the very product I was looking for! Needeless to say I bought it right away including the conditioner to see if how that product fairs. Not everything works for everybody but I DO like this one and recommend it!
Product Description
The roots Virgin hair fertilizer hair oil is made with special blends of natural products such as olive oil, garlic oil, jojoba oil that work together to leave hair well conditioned100percenthair
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